So, this week is a bit of a little lull in my progression as I am already doing everything I am allowed to do for this phase, but I still have another week before I can start doing the next phase. I am finding things easier and less painful as the days go on, so…Read More
Category: Running Injuries
Exercises for Upper body/Core and Hips
I feel like I have turned a corner, though I am still wearing the boot 24/7, I am getting more and more functional in the boot. I can now walk without crutches, though the awkwardness of the boot still doesn’t allow for a very comfortable walk. I am enjoying getting back to more challenging exercises….Read More
Crutch Training
This post is for those who aren’t quite sure how to use crutches and/or how to progress to weightbearing after a period of non-weight-bearing. I made a series of videos to describe the progression. Please don’t judge the rawness of the videos, this is still new to me and I am working on my skills…Read More
Rehab begins
This week, I was able to start working on my official rehab program. I designed my own rehab program and got it approved by the surgeon prior to beginning. I was so excited to begin putting weight on my ankle and the difference it made in my ease of life was tremendous. Even little things…Read More
Virtual Wellness Conference 2020
Join us for this amazing conference and get a jump start on your New Year’s Goals!
Done with you 2020
So, this week did not go exactly as I had hoped. On top of trying to recover from ankle surgery, I realized my excessive fatigue and sore throat were maybe something more when on Christmas Eve, I lost all sense of taste and smell. I went to get tested and needless to say, it was…Read More
Exercises you can do without putting weight on one ankle:
The surgeon says that all went well during the surgery! When he came to see me just before the surgery, he told me that if I came out with a boot on, I would be able to put weight in my ankle after 3 days, but if it was in a splint, it would be…Read More
2020, what a year!
So, this year has been crazy for me, just as it has for most people around the world. I have had a lot of projects in the works and a lot of focus on the clients I have had the opportunity to work with, but what I have not been doing as well as I…Read More
Keep those New Year’s Resolutions!
I am a goal maker, I admit it. I love to make goals, because working toward achieving something brings me happiness. That means that despite the frigid temperatures, the short hours of daylight and the icy roads that might hinder my ability to run outside, I actually like January. It’s a time when everyone seems…Read More
3 Best Exercises to reduce hip pain
Hips, they are the silent strength of the body, until they start to have pain- then they are loud and obnoxious. In the general population, hip injuries are less common than other types of injuries, however, the repetitive and overuse nature of the sport makes runners more susceptible to them. During running, the hip supports…Read More